I've switched to debug logging now on our mupdate master,


On Mon, 9 Jun 2014, Wesley Craig wrote:

> On 09 Jun 2014, at 07:14, gavin.g...@ed.ac.uk wrote:
>> Actually we get very little logged on our mupdate master, just logins, 
>> checkpointing notices etc, nothing about the work done to maintain folder 
>> state. It's one of the reasons we feel so in the dark with this issue.
> Set logging on the mupdate master to debug, it shares lots of details.  In 
> particular, you want to see cmd_set and cmd_find.  The cmd_set is from the 
> backend making changes to the mupdate master.  The cmd_find is *either* a 
> frontend looking for particular mailboxes *or* the normal streaming of state 
> change events from the mupdate master to the frontends.  Obviously, there can 
> be timing issues, but the typical paradigm implemented on the frontends is 
> that when an expected mailbox isn't there, the frontend will specifically ask 
> the mupdate master about it using a kick_mupdate().
> :wes

Gavin Gray
Edinburgh University Information Services
Rm 2013 JCMB
Kings Buildings
tel +44 (0)131 650 5987
email gavin.g...@ed.ac.uk

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