Hi Menge ! Thanks for the tips !

I realize that running squatter every 3h is too often, once my enviroment
is still growning, we had around a tousand users but the predictions are to
have 50.000 users in a month or two. We are planning to change it to run
once each night and maybe at specific times with less IO traffic. After
changing the squatter entry on cyrus.conf do I need to restart Cyrus or
just a reload is fine ?

On 14 July 2014 17:12, Michael Menge <michael.me...@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de>

> Hi,
> Quoting "Fabio S. Schmidt" <fa...@improve.inf.br>:
>  Hi !
>> I'm running Cyrus 2.4.14 on Debian 6 64 Bits and I've noticed that when
>> squatter is running it only uses a single core. Has this behavior been
>> improved on newer versions?
>> Here is my entry:
>> squatter_1    cmd="/usr/bin/nice +n 19 /usr/lib/cyrus/bin/squatter -s -i
>> -r
>> user" period=180
> i think you are running the squatter to often.
> period=180 will run it every 3h. If there is more then one sqatter running,
> it second will catch up and the proceses will have to wait for the mailbox
> lock.
> We run our squatter, expire and backup once each night, when there is less
> IO traffic.
> you can use at= instead of period=. See cyrus.conf manpage for details
> Regards
>    Michael Menge
>> I do run it with "nice +19" but It causes a high load on the core it's
>> running and triggers an alert on my monitoring solution. I know that this
>> alert could be deactivated, but maybe I'm doing something wrong with
>> squatter.
>> --
>> My best regards,
>> Fabio Soares Schmidt
>> Linux Professional Institute - LPIC-3
>> Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: Active Directory
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------
> M.Menge                                Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
> Universität Tübingen                   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
> Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung          mail: michael.me...@zdv.uni-
> tuebingen.de
> Wächterstraße 76
> 72074 Tübingen
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My best regards,
Fabio Soares Schmidt

Linux Professional Institute - LPIC-3
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: Active Directory
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