On 02/24/16 15:24, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
Use virtusertable instead of aliases, e.g.

postmas...@oneofmydomains.com    root

Thanks, but it doesn't seem to work either.

I put that line in virtusertable and issued "make".
I even restarted sendmail, even if IIRC it's not needed.
I confirm I have the following in my .mc file:
> FEATURE(virtusertable, `hash -o /etc/mail/virtusertable')

I still get "User unknown".

There's a comment in virtusertable.sample which says: "Remember to add the source hostname to /etc/mail/local-host-names".
Maybe that's really needed for virtusertable to work?

If I add that, then cyrusv2 from mailertable will not be used for oneofmydomains.com.

 bye & Thanks
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