Hello Nic,

Zitat von Nic Bernstein <n...@onlight.com>:

Thank you for this very interesting description of both the problem and the solution. I'm curious which Linux distribution you're using? We're using Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) and find the following default settings:

   $ grep -i tasks /etc/systemd/system.conf

so this would seem not to be an issue on Ubuntu systems, at least.


On 12/16/2016 02:54 AM, Stephan Lauffer via Info-cyrus wrote:

The problems here where was found on SLES-12-SP2 and a openSUSE Leap 42.2. I guess all SUSE systemd distros may have this limits (it's not a bug, it's a feature). ;-)

But in general every systemd may be affected... it is just a question of the systemd setup there. RedHat left a comment in the ulimit file (see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=754285). In our rhel 7.2 I can read..:

# /etc/security/limits.conf
#This file sets the resource limits for the users logged in via PAM.
#It does not affect resource limits of the system services.

Im am missing this in SuSE (will open a request there). But ok, if the sysadmin is really up to date he may already know. :-))

But like mentioned before I vote for a paraphraph 4 in the cyrus FAQ about "The process count keeps growing!"

Liebe Gruesse, with best regards
Stephan Lauffer

Pedagogical University Freiburg - Germany
Fon/ Fax: +49 761 682 -559/ -486

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