
Zitat von Stephan Lauffer <lauf...@ph-freiburg.de>:


I mooved a mailbox in a murder setup from a 2.4.18 backend to a 3.0.2 frontend (with a 2.4.18 proxy/frontend server).

After the mailbox was transferred we saw no mails but the mailbox folderts. So we started a "reconstruct -V max" and a "quota -f". After that no mails where shown/visibla via imap, too.

So we played around and started a "reconstruct -V max" with a "-r user...." two times.

Only after the second reconstruct the mails were be found and added to the index. In the first run just the format was transformed.

So my question is:

Is this the well know and "offical" way to transfer mailboxes from a 2.4 to a 3.0? Or should there be some "magic" after the transfer which failed here in our setup?

I would say it would be very, very nice if the 3.0.2 backend will be capable to postexec neccessary commands after an completed mailbox transfer.

If this isn't possible to implement in the cyrus-imapd it would be nice to add some few words in https://www.cyrusimap.org/imap/download/upgrade.html#shut-down-existing-cyrus at the paragraph "Special note for Murder configurations". Maybe we already have the hints and tips in the doc but I just didn't found it...?!

It seems to be that this problem is fixed in 2.4.19. The release notes there...



  "Fixed: XFER to 2.5 and later no longer downgrades index to oldest version"

Out first test showed us correct seen states and we did not need to reconstruct at all.

Looks goods so far. But I would vote for a notice in a new (or existing) upgrade part of the 3.0.x doc where users get informed how to upgrade via xfer in a murder setup. Not every 2.4 user is on latest 2.4.19 (rhel for example has latest 2.4.17).

Poorly in 2.4.19 we struggled over another issue. Our lmtpd on the backend failed with...:

  "lmtp[14448]: getaddrinfo(%s: %s  ) failed: Name or service not known"

I realy did not expect a problem like this in a minor version upgrade from 2.4.18 -> 2.4.19(!).

Glad to find the fix in git...:


...and so we just needed to build fixed 2.4.19.

Sidenote: Maybe add a note about that i a in a new (or existing) upgrade part of the 3.0.x ...

Liebe Gruesse, with best regards
Stephan Lauffer

Pedagogical University Freiburg - Germany
Fon/ Fax: +49 761 682 -559/ -486

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