
since we upgraded our installation to 2.4.18-142 (SuSE SLES) we see the same behavior.
We are using the same settings as before. Fast deleting (2 msg per second)
of messages shows "login failed".
I haven't checked this out. Any idea how to analyses this ?

Bye, Peer

On 04.10.2017 15:26, Simon Matter wrote:

I'm using cyrus-imapd (now 2.4.x) and Thunderbird. The problem is, when
I click fast on the e-mails, I often get the "Login to server foo.bar
failed" (when I click like one -email per 3 seconds everything is fine).
My password is okay, so I just press "Cancel". I live with this problem
for a really long time, and I can say the this is specific to the TB: it
doesn't happen in Outlook. I've read a lot about this, and, besides the
mailbox being improperly configured and failing authrization 100% of the
time (which is not my case), there's an urban legend that TB uses by
default  5 concurrent connections to the IMAP server (and this part is
true), while cyrus permits less. But the thing is, even with 1 connecton
configured in TB (in advanced settings), I still get this error when
clicking messages fast. No errors are logged on the cyrus side, just the
normal log stating that I was allowed to examine my mailbox.

Is there any way to get rid of these boring messages ?

Cyrus ML may not be the correct place to ask for this, but BT/Mozilla
community just gives me futile answers like "are you sure you type your
passwords right" and so on.
Interesting, I've never seen this problem over the years.

Are there firewall rules active on the cyrus-imapd host? Probably limiting
connection rate?


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Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
    Peer-Joachim Koch

Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie
Dr. Peer-Joachim Koch
Hans-Knöll Str.10            Telefon: ++49 3641 57-6705
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