On 12/16/17 09:55, Patrick Goetz wrote:
> The documentation page Nic mentioned does talk about global filters, but
> doesn't provide any clues about where such things should be placed.
> Following the dovecot example, I created this folder:
>    /var/imap/sieve/global
> which likely won't ever get used, but the managesieve plugin wants to
> know about it anyway.


I think there is a little misunderstanding about managesieve_default.

This is not a path to a folder with default scripts. It is a path to a
FILE, that contains the default script. This script will be copied to
new user's script on first login if he does not have any sieve script
yet. The script in that path is not used by cyrus in any way. It is just
a template script for new users. Nothing prevents users to remove the
default rules later. And if some users will never login to roundcube,
they will never get this default script applied.

Best regards
        Vladislav Kurz

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