Le 07/11/2018 à 08:52:20-0500, James B. Byrne via Info-cyrus a écrit
> Cyrus-IMAPD-3.0.7 on FreeBSD-11.2p4
> We have users who, having deleted email, evidently do not recover the
> quota allocated to those messages.  We do not believe that we have

Well...I don't think so. With my configuration (same as you cyrus +
FreeBSD 11) when someone delete a mail the quota is recover.

> enabled delayed deletion.  All the user mailboxes previous had been

with delayed deletion. For example :

[root /usr/local/cyrus/sbin]# ./quota user.zog
   Quota   % Used     Used             Resource Root
 20971520       13  2889569              STORAGE user.zog
                    137037              MESSAGE user.zog
                         0 X-ANNOTATION-STORAGE user.zog
                       299        X-NUM-FOLDERS user.zog
[root /usr/local/cyrus/sbin]# cd /bals/user/zog
[root /bals/user/zog]# du -s -h .
3.9G    .
[root /bals/user/zog]# find . -type f|wc
  179261  179264 2760840
[root /bals/user/zog]#

So you can see the quota show with cyrus command say I use 2889569 (~2.7
Go) and 137037 messages, but on the filesystem (ZFS) I use 3.9Go and 179000
files (event It's not precise because I didn't exclude cyrus*)


Albert SHIH
DIO bâtiment 15
Observatoire de Paris
xmpp: j...@obspm.fr
Heure local/Local time:
Wed Nov 7 16:25:13 CET 2018
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