
Quoting Jan Vales <j...@jvales.net>:


I just stumbled into this directory: /var/lib/cyrus/lock/

It seems to contain many dead things, like .lock-files that - based on
their names - must be older than 2+ years, including .../user/$NAME
where $NAME does not have a mailbox/account anymore.

Is it safe to shut down cyrus and do a
find /var/lib/cyrus/lock/ -mindepth 2 -delete

Its currently cyrus 3.0.13 on debian 10.

/var/lib/cyrus/lock/ and /var/lib/cyrus/proc should be empty after shutting down cyrus

You can also use tempfs for these directories,
- it is faster
- reboot will clean up the left over files in case the
  shut down was not clean
- these directories only contain small files

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