Summary: Sourcehut
   Requires: emacs-27.1, plz-0.1
   Keywords: comm vc 
 Maintainer: Aleksandr Vityazev <>
     Author: Aleksandr Vityazev <>

0.0.1 Version 0.1.0

1 About

  GNU Emacs [sourcehut] API client.

[sourcehut] <>

2 Installation

2.1 With Guix

  │ git clone srht
  │ cd srth
  │ guix package -f guix.scm

2.2 Manual

  `srht' depends on the HTTP library `plz' which is available in
  ELPA. After installing it, place files from /lisp folder in

3 Setup

  To use this client, you need to [generate] a personal access
  token. This token will have unrestricted access to all APIs and
  can be used like a normal access token to authenticate API requests.

  After creating the token:

  │ (setq srht-token TOKEN)

  It is also possible to store the token using `auth-source.el', the
  host must be set to

  │ machine password TOKEN

  You also need to set srht-username:

  │ (setq srht-username USERNAME)

[generate] <>

4 Commands

   Function                Description                           
   `srht-git-repo-update'  Update information for git repository 
   `srht-git-repo-delete'  Delete existing git repository        
   `srht-git-repo-create'  Create git repository                 
   `srht-paste-link'       Kill the link of the selected paste   
   `srht-paste-delete'     Detete paste with SHA                 
   `srht-paste-region'     Paste region or buffer to sourcehut   

5 License


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