Summary: Haskell codebase explorer / cross referencer
   Requires: emacs-28
   Keywords: haskell 
 Maintainer: Yuchen Pei <>
     Author: Yuchen Pei <>


Table of Contents

1. Install
2. Use
3. TODOs
4. Contact and Copyright

hc.el (or hcel in ELPA) is a client to [hcel] and an Emacs package for
Haskell code browsing and exploring.  Features include:

• Jump to definition across packages
• Find references across packages
• Search identifiers in a package or globally
• Highlight the identifier at point
• Browse packages, modules and identifiers in an outline mode buffer
• Eldoc integration, showing type and documentation of the identifier at
  point, or the selected expression.
• Syntax highlight, either with builtin font-locks or haskell-mode
• Show info about an identifier in a help buffer
• Integration with [haddorg], allowing jumps between identifier
  definition site and its org entry in documentation generated by

[hcel] <>

[haddorg] <>

1 Install

  Clone this repo, and add to load path (assuming you clone to

  │ cd ~/.emacs.d
  │ git clone

  │ (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/hc.el")

  You'll also need an hcel server.  To host one yourself, clone the
  [repo] and follow the instructions there.

  Once you have a server set up (say at `localhost:8080') and serving
  source info about indexed packages, do the following and you are all

  │ (require 'hcel)
  │ (setq hcel-host "localhost:8080")

[repo] <>

2 Use

  There are several entry points:
  • `hcel' opens up an hcel-outline mode buffer, where you can browse
    all packages, modules and identifiers in outline mode, and open any
    module source or jump to the definition of any identifier you like;
  • `hcel-package' prompts you for a package id, followed by a module
    path, to open the module source.
  • `hcel-global-ids' lets you search for identifiers globally, and
    either jump to the source (in case of a hit) or display search
  • `hcel-help' lets you search for identifiers globally and displays
    the result in a help buffer.


  Most of these TODOs likely require changes to the server program.

  • Awareness of all modules exporting an identifier (like hoogle)
  • Requesting server to index a new package, or re-index an updated

4 Contact and Copyright

  `hc.el' is maintained by Yuchen Pei <> and covered by [GNU
  AGPLv3+].  You may find the license text in a file named COPYING.agpl3
  in the project tree.

[GNU AGPLv3+] <>

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