We are pleased to announce the release of GNU Gama 2.07.

This is a maintainer release addressing implementation of a new class
Acord2 for computaiton of approximate unknown coordinates of points,
that are needed in the following processing step, adjustment of the
network. Class Acord2 superseded previous class Acord, which is still
available, for debugging, testint atc.

Few minor bugs were fixed and a new unit test was added to the
allternative cmake build.


GNU Gama package is dedicated to adjustment of geodetic networks. It
is intended for use with traditional geodetic surveyings which are
still used and needed in special measurements (e.g., underground or
high precision engineering measurements) where the Global Positioning
System (GPS) cannot be used.

Adjustment in local coordinate systems is fully supported by a
command-line program gama-local that adjusts geodetic (free) networks
of observed distances, directions, angles, height differences, 3D
vectors and observed coordinates (coordinates with given
variance-covariance matrix). Adjustment in global coordinate systems
is supported only partly as a gama-g3 program.


Ales Cepek

If you have a working or partly working program that you'd like
to offer to the GNU project as a GNU package,
see https://www.gnu.org/help/evaluation.html.

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