Dear all,

I'm happy to announce the v0.7.0 release of GNU Taler.  This release of
the exchange component is special, in that we spend several months
polishing it for an external security audit by Code Blau(.de), clearing
virtually all known issues and significantly improving test coverage.
The security audit will be paid by NLnet foundation as part of the Next
Generation Internet (NGI) initiative of the EC (Grant 2019-06-028) and
starts April 1st. We will of course make the full results of this first
external security audit of a GNU Taler component public once they are ready.

Major changes in v0.7.0 include:
- The wallet is now available for F-Droid & Android
- The exchange API was made more RESTful and more consistent
- Key revocation and recoup are now fully tested
- Wire backend was changed to a LibEuFin-compatible style
- Sync service is specified and implemented (but not integrated with
  the wallets yet)

You can download GNU Taler from:
* All GNU FTP mirrors   
* Our Git repository is at          

Please report bugs to our bugtracker at

An introduction can be found at      
Additional documentation  is at    
A demo is running at               

Happy hacking!


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If you have a working or partly working program that you'd like
to offer to the GNU project as a GNU package,

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