We are delighted to announce GNU Guile release 3.0.3, the third bug-fix
release of the new 3.0 stable series.  This release represents 170
commits by 17 people since version 3.0.2.  See the NEWS excerpt that
follows for full details.

                             *  *  *

The Guile web page is located at http://gnu.org/software/guile/, and
among other things, it contains a copy of the Guile manual and pointers
to more resources.

Guile is an implementation of the Scheme programming language, packaged
for use in a wide variety of environments.  In addition to implementing
the R5RS, R6RS, and R7RS Scheme standards, Guile includes full access to
POSIX system calls, networking support, multiple threads, dynamic
linking, a foreign function call interface, powerful string processing,
and HTTP client and server implementations.

Guile can run interactively, as a script interpreter, and as a Scheme
compiler to VM bytecode.  It is also packaged as a library so that
applications can easily incorporate a complete Scheme interpreter/VM.
An application can use Guile as an extension language, a clean and
powerful configuration language, or as multi-purpose "glue" to connect
primitives provided by the application.  It is easy to call Scheme code
from C code and vice versa.  Applications can add new functions, data
types, control structures, and even syntax to Guile, to create a
domain-specific language tailored to the task at hand.

Guile 3.0 can be installed in parallel with Guile 2.2.x; see

                             *  *  *

Changes in 3.0.3 (since 3.0.2)

* New interfaces and functionality

** New baseline compiler

Guile's CPS-based compiler generates good code, but it takes time and
memory to do so.  For users that prioritize speed of compilation over
speed of generated code, Guile now has a new baseline compiler that goes
directly from the high-level Tree-IL to bytecode, skipping CPS and all
of its optimizations.  This compiler is used for `guild compile -O0',
and generally runs around ten times as fast as the CPS compiler.

*** New VM intrinsics to support baseline compiler

See "Intrinsic Call Instructions" in the manual.

*** Compiler support for warning and lowering passes
*** Compiler support for choosing different compilation orders

See "Compiler Tower" in the manual.  The new per-language "compiler
chooser" facility can choose different compilers based on optimization

*** Better support for specifying optimization and warning levels

The procedural compilation interfaces (`compile', `compile-file', and so
on) now have #:optimization-level and #:warning-level keyword arguments,
which default to corresponding `default-optimization-level' and
`default-warning-level' parameters.  You can still specify warning and
optimization passes manually, but we think most users will find the
higher-level interfaces more robust to use.

** Faster Guile build from source

Guile now uses the baseline compiler for its bootstrap, when building
the first Scheme compiler.  Because the baseline compiler runs faster
and includes less code than the CPS compiler, Guile takes less time to

** New 'pipeline' procedure in (ice-9 popen)

The 'pipeline' procedure provides a simple way to spawn command pipeline
as one would do in a shell.

** Refreshed bitvector facility

See "Bit Vectors" in the manual, for more on all of these.

*** New bitvector-count, bitvector-count-bits, bitvector-position

These replace the wonky "bit-count", "bit-count*", and "bit-position"

*** New bitvector-bit-set?, bitvector-bit-clear? procedures

These replace bitvector-ref.  The reason to migrate is that it's an
opportunity be more efficient in 3.0 (because the new procedures only
work on true bitvectors, and not generic bit arrays), easier to read (no
need for 'not' when checking for false bits), and more consistent with
other bitvector procedures.

*** New bitvector-set-bit!, bitvector-clear-bit! procedures

These replace bitvector-set!, for similar reasons as the bitvector-ref
replacement above.

*** New bitvector-set-all-bits!, bitvector-clear-all-bits! procedures

These replace bitvector-fill!.

*** New bitvector-flip-all-bits! procedure

This replaces bit-invert!.

*** New bitvector-set-bits!, bitvector-clear-bits! procedures

These replace the wonky "bit-set*!" procedure.

* Bug fixes

** statprof reports the names of primitives

Previously statprof would show strings like "anon #x1234" for primitives
written in C.

** Compiler reduces 'equal?' when passed a character literal

The compiler now properly reduces expressions such as (equal? c #\x) to
(eq? c #\x).  This was not the case in 3.0.2, which could lead to slower
code, especially in 'match' expressions with many clauses with with
character literals.

** JIT bugs on ARMv7 have been fixed

** 'http-get', 'http-post', etc. now honor #:verify-certificates?

** web: Accept URI host names consisting only of hex digits

** (web http) parser recognizes the CONNECT and PATCH methods

** Initial revealed count of file ports is now zero

* New deprecations

** Old bitvector interfaces deprecated

See "Bit Vectors" in the manual, for details on all of these

*** bit-count, bit-position

Use bitvector-count or bitvector-position instead.  

*** bitvector-ref

Use 'bitvector-bit-set?' or 'bitvector-bit-clear?' instead.

*** bitvector-set!

Use 'bitvector-set-bit!' or 'bitvector-clear-bit!' instead.

*** bitvector-fill!

Use 'bitvector-set-all-bits!' or 'bitvector-clear-all-bits!' instead.

*** bit-invert!

Use 'bitvector-flip-all-bits! instead.

*** bit-set*!

Use 'bitvector-set-bits!' or 'bitvector-clear-bits!' instead.

*** bit-count*

Use 'bitvector-count-bits' instead, subtracting from 'bitvector-count'
on the mask bitvector if you are counting unset bits.

*** Accessing generic arrays using the bitvector procedures

For the same efficiency reasons that use of 'vector-ref' on generic
arrays was deprecated in Guile 2.0.10, using 'bitvector->list' and
similar procedures on 1-dimensional boolean-typed arrays is now
deprecated.  Use 'array-ref' and similar procedures on arrays.

*** scm_istr2bve

This C-only procedure to parse a bitvector from a string should be
replaced by calling `read' on a string port instead, if needed.

                             *  *  *

Here are the compressed sources:
  https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/guile/guile-3.0.3.tar.gz   (21MB)
  https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/guile/guile-3.0.3.tar.lz   (11MB)
  https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/guile/guile-3.0.3.tar.xz   (13MB)

Here are the GPG detached signatures[*]:

Use a mirror for higher download bandwidth:

Here are the SHA256 checksums:


[*] Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the
.sig suffix) is intact.  First, be sure to download both the .sig file
and the corresponding tarball.  Then, run a command like this:

  gpg --verify guile-3.0.3.tar.gz.sig

If that command fails because you don't have the required public key,
then run this command to import it:

  gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net \
      --recv-keys 3CE464558A84FDC69DB40CFB090B11993D9AEBB5

and rerun the 'gpg --verify' command.

This release was bootstrapped with the following tools:
  Autoconf 2.69
  Automake 1.16.2
  Libtool 2.4.6
  Makeinfo 6.7
  Gnulib v0.1-1157-gb03f418

Thanks to everyone who helped make this release:

     1  Alex Sassmannshausen
     1  Andrew Gierth
   112  Andy Wingo
     4  Arun Isaac
     1  Christopher Baines
     1  Dale P. Smith
     2  Daniel Llorens
     1  Eric Bavier
    11  Icecream95
     1  Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen
     1  Jan Synacek
     1  Linus Björnstam
    28  Ludovic Courtès
     1  Mathieu Lirzin
     2  Matt Wette
     1  Ricardo G. Herdt
     1  Rutger van Beusekom

Happy hacking with Guile!

Ludovic Courtès and Andy Wingo.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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