GNU gnu-pw-mgr "manages" passwords by re-computing them on demand.
It does an sha256 sum of a long, unguessable string stored in a
protected file conjoined with a never-recorded private permutation of
a domain name.  The result is cropped and twiddled in repeatable ways
to satisfy the password requirements of the intended web site.
By basing the check sum on a permutation of a domain, it winds up
easier to have different passwords for different domains than to
overuse a single password.

Since its initial release (2013), none of the algorithms have changed, so
previously created passwords will still be produced by this modified

New in 2.6 - September 2020

The original version varied confirmation answers whenever the password changed.
That is undesirable behavior. So for a number of years,
both the old and new methods were produced. The old method
has now been relegated to a new, but deprecated, option:
--old-confirm, with no single letter equivalent.

("confirmation questions" are answers to questions like, "what is your favorite movie?" If your answer changes, or if you forget, you're hosed. OTOH, if someone gets the answer to that question on one web site, then they have the answer for it on other web sites. This feature will give you different answers for different web sites and are pretty difficult to remember.)

online docs:
gnu-pw-id home:
primary ftp:
bug reports:     bug-gnu-pw-mgr at the usual GNU domain
bug archive:
maintainer:      Bruce Korb - bkorb at the usual GNU domain

If you have a working or partly working program that you'd like
to offer to the GNU project as a GNU package,

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