We are delighted to announce GNU Guile release 3.0.5, the latest in the
3.0 stable release series.

Compared to the previous release in the 3.0 series, Guile 3.0.5 can
compile chained "if" expressions into the equivalent of what a C
compiler does with "switch".  It also adds some new warning passes.

Compared to the previous stable series (2.2.x), Guile 3.0 adds support
for just-in-time native code generation, speeding up all Guile programs.
See the NEWS extract at the end of the mail for full details.

The Guile web page is located at http://gnu.org/software/guile/, and
among other things, it contains a copy of the Guile manual and pointers
to more resources.

Guile is an implementation of the Scheme programming language, packaged
for use in a wide variety of environments.  In addition to implementing
the R5RS, R6RS, and R7RS Scheme standards, Guile includes full access to
POSIX system calls, networking support, multiple threads, dynamic
linking, a foreign function call interface, powerful string processing,
and HTTP client and server implementations.

Guile can run interactively, as a script interpreter, and as a Scheme
compiler to VM bytecode.  It is also packaged as a library so that
applications can easily incorporate a complete Scheme interpreter/VM.
An application can use Guile as an extension language, a clean and
powerful configuration language, or as multi-purpose "glue" to connect
primitives provided by the application.  It is easy to call Scheme code
from C code and vice versa.  Applications can add new functions, data
types, control structures, and even syntax to Guile, to create a
domain-specific language tailored to the task at hand.

Guile 3.0.5 can be installed in parallel with Guile 2.2.x; see

A more detailed NEWS summary follows these details on how to get the
Guile sources.

Here are the compressed sources:
  http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/guile/guile-3.0.5.tar.lz   (10MB)
  http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/guile/guile-3.0.5.tar.xz   (12MB)
  http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/guile/guile-3.0.5.tar.gz   (21MB)

Here are the GPG detached signatures[*]:

Use a mirror for higher download bandwidth:

Here are the SHA256 checksums:


[*] Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the
.sig suffix) is intact.  First, be sure to download both the .sig file
and the corresponding tarball.  Then, run a command like this:

  gpg --verify guile-3.0.5.tar.gz.sig

If that command fails because you don't have the required public key,
then run this command to import it:

  gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 

and rerun the 'gpg --verify' command.

This release was bootstrapped with the following tools:
  Autoconf 2.69
  Automake 1.16.2
  Libtool 2.4.6
  Gnulib v0.1-1157-gb03f418
  Makeinfo 6.7

An extract from NEWS follows.

Changes in 3.0.5 (since 3.0.4)

* New interfaces and functionality

** O(1) compilation of `case' and related expressions

Guile now optimizes chains of eq? comparisons to constants, resulting in
O(1) dispatch time, regardless of the length of the chain.  This
optimization is also unlocked in many cases for `match' expressions with
many similar clauses whose first differentiator are constants.

** New (ice-9 copy-tree) module

This module includes the `copy-tree' procedure that was previously
implemented in C and present in the default `(guile)' module.  See
"Copying" in the manual.

** New warning: use-before-definition

This analysis, enabled at `-W1', issues warnings for programs that use
top-level variables before they are defined.

** New warning: non-idempotent-definition

This analysis, enabled at `-W1', issues warnings for programs that whose
use of a variable is ambiguous.  For example, in the program:

  (define saved-add +)
  (define + error)

The intention would seem to be to "save" the value of the base `+'
procedure, then override it locally.  However if this program is ever
loaded twice, then the second time it is loaded, `+' will be taken from
the local binding instead of the import.  Users that want this kind of
behavior should either use lexical bindings instead of top-level
bindings, or otherwise rename important clobbered bindings via modules.

* New deprecations

** `copy-tree' in the default environment, and `scm_copy_tree' from C

Import the `(ice-9 copy-tree)' module instead.

** `unbound-variable-analysis`, `macro-use-before-definition-analysis`

These bindings from `(language tree-il analyze)' are replaced by the
use-before-definition analysis, which powers a number of warnings.  Use
`make-use-before-definition-analysis', but note that these interfaces
are quite intimate parts of the compiler!

* Incompatible changes

** `copy' read-option removed

This read option would include a copy of the source expression in the
source-properties of each subexpression.  This option has always been
off by default and lost most of its use value with the switch to a
compiler in Guile 2.0.

If you have a working or partly working program that you'd like
to offer to the GNU project as a GNU package,
see https://www.gnu.org/help/evaluation.html.

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