GNU Linux-libre 5.12-gnu cleaning-up scripts, cleaned-up sources, and
cleaning-up logs (including tarball signatures) have been available
since last night from our git-based release archive
git:// tags

Tarballs and incremental patches are also available at

The cleaning up scripts have been unchanged since first published for

There were many newly-added drivers requiring cleaning up: OcteonTX2
crypto, MXL692 dvb, MT7921E wifi, and BCM VK accelerators.  Some further
cleanups were needed in Intel ICE docs, and in Qualcomm AArch64 DTS
files.  The Allegro-DVT driver graduated out of staging and thus
required adjustments to its cleaning up rules.  Drivers for Adreno GPU
and for x86 touchscreens were changed upstream to request new blob
names, so cleaning up adjustments were required.

This release is in memory of Tasha, Jason Self's feline companion of
many years.  Jason has long contributed to GNU Linux-libre and
maintained the popular Freesh distribution of GNU Linux-libre .debs.
Tasha shared his home, brought him joy, and is sorely missed.

For up-to-the-minute news, join us on #linux-libre of
(Freenode), or follow me on P2P or federated social media.  Check the
link in the signature for directions.

Be Free! with GNU Linux-libre.

What is GNU Linux-libre?

  GNU Linux-libre is a Free version of the kernel Linux (see below),
  suitable for use with the GNU Operating System in 100% Free
  GNU/Linux-libre System Distributions.

  It removes non-Free components from Linux, that are disguised as
  source code or distributed in separate files.  It also disables
  run-time requests for non-Free components, shipped separately or as
  part of Linux, and documentation pointing to them, so as to avoid
  (Free-)baiting users into the trap of non-Free Software.

  Linux-libre started within the gNewSense GNU/Linux distribution.
  It was later adopted by Jeff Moe, who coined its name, and in 2008
  it became a project maintained by FSF Latin America.  In 2012, it
  became part of the GNU Project.

  The GNU Linux-libre project takes a minimal-changes approach to
  cleaning up Linux, making no effort to substitute components that
  need to be removed with functionally equivalent Free ones.
  Nevertheless, we encourage and support efforts towards doing so.

  Our mascot is Freedo, a light-blue penguin that has just come out
  of the shower.  Although we like penguins, GNU is a much greater
  contribution to the entire system, so its mascot deserves more
  promotion.  See our web page for their images.

What is Linux?

  Linux is a clone of the Unix kernel [...]

(snipped from Documentation/admin-guide/README.rst)

Alexandre Oliva, happy hacker
   Free Software Activist         GNU Toolchain Engineer
        Vim, Vi, Voltei pro Emacs -- GNUlius Caesar

If you have a working or partly working program that you'd like
to offer to the GNU project as a GNU package,

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