After a long time, we are proud to announce a new release of Project Center: the standard GNUstep IDE.

Many changes accumulated in these past years, here a selection:

 * extensive cleanup to keep up-to-date with current GNUstep and recent
 * improvements in project templates and makefile generation
 * Preferences fixes, editor colors fixes
 * Editor shows the current line
 * Performance improvements in syntax highlighting, with re-parsing
   happening with a timer, this reduces load and allows the use also on
   slower systems, like a Raspberry
 * Fixes which unlock existing features: parenthesis matching, better
   class parsing
 * extensive (but not yet complete) work on debugger integration, which
   is more portable and works by parsing and wrapping gdb with machine
   interface and allows usage on Windows
 * several other fixes to be usable on Windows

Due to maintenance on our GNUstep server infrastructure, our FTP site is being moved and the WWW pages are on a read/only mirror. Thus please access the sources directly from github, for the time being. Check "Assets" on the release page.

Happy Hacking - Riccardo

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