I am pleased to announce the release of GNU moe 1.13.

GNU moe is a console text editor for ISO-8859 and ASCII character encodings. It has a modeless, user-friendly interface, online help, multiple windows, global search/replace (on all buffers at once), block operations, automatic indentation, word wrapping, file name completion, directory browser, duplicate removal from prompt histories, delimiter matching, text conversion from/to UTF-8, romanization, etc. The file size, line length, number of buffers, and undo/redo capability are only limited by the amount of memory available and the size of the address space of your machine.

Moe respects your work. By default it won't automatically add, change, or remove a single byte in your files. Moe is a WYTIWYG (what you type is what you get) editor.

Moe can easily edit thousands of files at the same time.

The homepage is at http://www.gnu.org/software/moe/moe.html

The sources can be downloaded from http://ftpmirror.gnu.org/moe/ http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/moe/ or from your favorite GNU mirror.

The sha256sum is:
43a557bc512f89d6c718e5f41029cfe3a055682620eb8dbece6302f34a26146b moe-1.13.tar.lz

This release is also GPG signed. You can download the signature by appending '.sig' to the URL. If the 'gpg --verify' command fails because you don't have the required public key, then run this command to import it:

  gpg --recv-keys 8FE99503132D7742

Key fingerprint = 1D41 C14B 272A 2219 A739  FA4F 8FE9 9503 132D 7742

Changes in version 1.13:

* The moe configuration file 'moerc' has been renamed to 'moe.conf'. Moe now looks for the configuration file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/moe.conf instead of $HOME/.moerc. (XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaults to $HOME/.config).

* Minimum screen height has been increased to 25 lines because some help screens contain 24 lines of text plus the status line.

  * The short name '-W' has been assigned to the option '--no-word-wrap'.

* Moe now starts always with one window; extra files are put in orphaned buffers. (Option '-1, --orphan' is no longer needed).

* In regular expressions, allow the first ']' of a set to be the starting character of a range.

* A line is again considered blank if it is empty or if it only contains whitespace characters (including no-break space).

  * The command 'go to matching delimiter' now recognizes '«' and '»'.

* The command 'decode base64' is now much faster for large blocks of data. (About 300 times faster for 4 MB of base64 data).

* Startup time has been reduced when loading recursively all files in a directory.

* The command 'reformat paragraph' now shows feedback ("reformatting...") and collapses also no-break spaces.

* The command 'reformat paragraphs in block' now removes whitespace from blank lines between paragraphs.

* Some invalid escape sequences in search and replace strings are now detected earlier.

* Replacing is now faster for replacement strings with escape sequences for special characters.

* Moe now accepts the escape sequences '\uhhhh' and '\Uhhhhhhhh' (universal-character-name) to either search or insert in the buffer the corresponding ISO 10646 character coded in UTF-8.

* Moe now accepts the escape sequence '\dddd' (decimal code 'ddd') like GNU sed to either search or insert in the buffer the corresponding ISO-8859-15 character.

* The limit for the right margin has been increased from 1000 to INT_MAX / 2. A value of 0 now sets the right margin to the maximum possible value.

* After changing the value of an option in the options menu, moe now shows the old and new value of the option.

* Recursive load now ignores file names with extensions ".lzma", ".pnm", ".tiff", ".zst", ".tzst".

* Cyrillic letters 'ya' and 'yu' are now transliterated as "ya" and "yu" respectively (as in "Yaponiya" (Japan) and "Yuri").

* It has been documented in the manual that octal escape sequences for special characters can't be used in the replacement string because they conflict with the special replace sequences '\0 - \3'.

  * Several fixes and improvements have been made to the manual.

Please send bug reports and suggestions to bug-...@gnu.org

Antonio Diaz, GNU moe author and maintainer.

If you care about data safety and long-term archiving, please consider using lzip. See http://www.nongnu.org/lzip/lzip_benchmark.html
http://www.nongnu.org/lzip/manual/lzip_manual.html#Quality-assurance and
http://www.nongnu.org/lzip/safety_of_the_lzip_format.html Thanks.

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