On Tue, 12 Jul 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ted Zlatanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hit `G c' on the group that you want to customize.  Set the preferred
>> charset to iso-8859-1.  Save.  That should do it.  The Gnus manual
>> should have more information on this - I don't use it myself, so the
>> manual is the authoritative source.
> Strange: I have tried this, having commented out in .gnus the lines
> suggested by Aidan, and it doesn't work!  Despite having specified
> iso-8859-1, as you suggest, messages I send to the fr.test group still
> are sent as UTF-8 and quoted printable.

That's strange.  I wonder if it's a bug or just a feature that was
never implemented.  Does anyone know?  If not, I'll look into it when
I get a chance.


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