On Fri, Oct 20 2006, Hadron Quark wrote:

> I have new laptop running Ubuntu.
> My main machine runs leafnode, fetchmail & procmail to sort out my
> maildir stuff - all nntp and mail is done in gnus.
> Anyone give me some ideas on where to start thinking/looking for a sync
> option between laptop and main machine? Ideally "on the road", the
> laptop would use wireless and get latest news via leafnode, & email from
> my pop3 accounts. When I'm home ditto for the home machine. But Id like
> to merge the two sets. Any suggestions/ideas/pointers that can get me started?

For the news part: I run leafnode on main machine and on the laptop
and do an unidirectional sync (main -> laptop) of /var/spool/news/ [1]
when connected.  In this way, the article numbers are the same.

[1] I use leafnode2 (beta).  This of course only works as long as
    leafnode2 uses the traditional spool layout.

Bye, Reiner.
      (o o)
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