On Wed, Nov 08 2006, David Abrahams wrote:

> Ever since I made the switch to Linux for my main machine, I've been
> having the problem that when I forward (gnus-summary-mail-forward) a
> message that contains an attachment, the recipent gets a garbled
> version of the original attachment.

Without *any* kind of information what is kind of problem the
"garbled" message/attachment has, it's next to impossible to help you.
You might send such a message to gmane.test or send us a gzipped mbox
of the received message.  Be sure not to include private stuff.

> I am using a CVS version of Emacs.

In this article, you used Emacs 23 (CVS unicode branch; experimental).
Please try to reproduce the problem with Emacs 22 (CVS trunk or
pretest tarball).

> I see this effect both with the version of Gnus it ships with and
> with a CVS HEAD version of Gnus.  I have unfortunately been unable
> to test this with a release version (21.4) of emacs; Gnus just won't
> start up for me in that version :(

Independent from the attachment problem, it might be worth to debug
this problem.

Bye, Reiner.
      (o o)
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