>>>>> Hadron wrote:

> What would be very nice is a piece of code to recognise when the point
> is on a "hidden" url like an html link and then extract the url
> automatically, else just the text url.

> The one can bind the same key to browse-url-firefox passing the url as
> an argument.

Er, although it might not be what you'd like to do, by setting
`w3m-goto-article-function' to `browse-url-firefox' (or `browse-url'),
you can use Firefox (or the browser that `browse-url-default-browser'
chooses automatically) to browse the url of a link in the article
buffer by typing the <RET> key there.  This is handled much better
in the most recent emacs-w3m[1] that is under development.

By the way, for the reason that the <RET> key is bound to
`w3m-safe-view-this-url' which browses only `cid:...' urls by
default, see: (info "(emacs-w3m)Gnus") <- type `C-x C-e' here.

[1] You can download it from the emacs-w3m CVS server as an
    anonymous user, or simply download the tarball from:
info-gnus-english mailing list

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