> On Dec 3, 12:50 am, Sebastian Tennant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first o24sm838057ugd
> See SET-SMTP-SSL in 
> http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/emacs-en/MultipleSMTPAccounts
> (That configuration works fine with me; even with 7 accounts and 2 of
> them belongs to gmail.) Make sure you configured necessary variables
> appropriately and have a suitable STARTTLS-GNUTLS-PROGRAM installed.

Hi Volkan,

Thank you for your help.  I thought I gnutls-cli was installed... but it

I can now send email using Gmail's SMTP server :-)

However, another problem now presents itself!

I've been using fetchmail to retreive my email from Gmail quite happily
for a couple of years now, but I've just noticed that mail I send using
Gmail's SMTP servers appears in my Inbox, (in Gmail's website), but is
not available for download using POP3 (i.e., fetchmail)!

How do you retrieve your email from Gmail?


P.S.  I've been doing some research and have every intention of meeting
      with you and Muart soon :-)

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