On Thu, Jan 31 2008, Andrzej Adam Filip wrote:

> Reiner Steib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> How do you make sure that two different users don't pick the same
>> prefix ("gnus", ...)?
> Even if they do then gnus *is* prepared to handle multiple users in the
> same host domain.

For different machines with the same "right hand side" of the MID, the
algorithm in `message-unique-id' cannot guarantee uniqueness.  It is
unlikely that the left hand side is the same, but not impossible.

RFC 2822, says: "The message identifier (msg-id) itself MUST be a
globally unique identifier for a message.".  When using the unique,
full qualified hostname, Gnus' algorithm guarantees this uniqueness.

Bye, Reiner.
      (o o)
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