Reiner Steib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, Feb 21 2008, Martin Bealby wrote:
>> I have modified my gnus-signature-separator line to remove appended
>> advertisements for a mailing list I am currently subscribed to and by
>> typing 'W W s' (gnus-article-hide-signatures) it is working well.
> Why not use the `banner' group parameter?
> ,----[ (info "(gnus)Group Parameters") ]
> | `banner'
> |      An item like `(banner . REGEXP)' causes any part of an article
> |      that matches the regular expression REGEXP to be stripped.
> |      Instead of REGEXP, you can also use the symbol `signature' which
> |      strips the last signature or any of the elements of the alist
> |      `gnus-article-banner-alist'.
> `----

Ask an off topic question. How to set the quote like yours:
 ,----[ (info "(gnus)Group Parameters") ]


> See also `gnus-article-address-banner-alist':
> ,----[ (info "(gnus)Article Hiding") ]
> |      Regardless of a group, you can hide things like advertisements
> |      only when the sender of an article has a certain mail address
> |      specified in `gnus-article-address-banner-alist'.
> `----
> Bye, Reiner.
> -- 
>        ,,,
>       (o o)
> ---ooO-(_)-Ooo---  |  PGP key available  |
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