>>>>> Richard G Riley wrote:
> Katsumi Yamaoka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> You can add this form to the ~/.emacs-w3m.el file at your own risk.
>> (define-key w3m-minor-mode-map "M" 'w3m-view-url-with-external-browser)
>> For what `risk' means, please see:
>> (info "(emacs-w3m)Gnus") <- `C-x C-e' here.

> I'm not sure I understand. How will this help? The article is not in w3m
> minor mode. It is a gnus article buffer. C-h m shows the following
> modes:

That is not *so-called* minor-mode as an Emacs term.
The `w3m-minor-mode-map' overrides the other keymaps, using
the `keymap' text property, over only the area that emacs-w3m
rendered in the article buffer.

(Sorry for the late answer.  I barely got well from a cold.)
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