On Sat, Apr 12 2008, Paul Csanyi wrote:

> Paul Csanyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I use gnus with Emacs version 21.4.1 on Debian Etch system.
>> I posted a message to the newsgroup list gmane.emacs.orgmode. 
>> When I read this group again for news, I can't read my message there.
>> But when I read this newsgroup on web using frames and threads in a
>> web browser, then I can see there my message.
> Well, sorry, but I am totally new to the newsgroups, and for gnus
> too. 

Are you aware of the fact that your Gnus version is a older
development snapshot?

| User-Agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

> I notice that that I can see only the new articles when next time
> use gnus for the same group.
> But, how can I read the old, the readed message in the group with
> gnus?

See the FAQ (included in the manual)

(info "(gnus)[4.1]"); <== Press C-x C-e here!

,----[ (info "(gnus)[4.1]") ]
| Question 4.1
| ............
| When I enter a group, all read messages are gone. How to view them
| again?

Bye, Reiner.
      (o o)
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