On 2009-03-19 05:48 +0000, poppyer wrote:
> Leo <sdl....@gmail.com> writes:
> : On 2009-03-19 02:37 +0000, poppyer wrote:
> :> The only thing I am missing in nnimap (of gnus) is that I can not
> :> preview the email by partial downloading. A typical scenario is when I
> :> got a email with 2M attachments, I can only read the few lines of text
> :> after I download all the 2M attachments, which is very very slow...
> :
> : This seems very interesting. Do you know about any email clients that
> : provide imap preview?
> I am not sure about other email clients (such as Thunderbird), need to
> be tried. But partial downloading is supported by the FETCH command in
> This thread (two years ago) gives some clues:
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.gnus.general/62566/focus=62654

Thank you for answering.

It will be very useful if Gnus can use this feature whenever an email is
greater than certain size.

> I am not sure if there is any following works.

.:  Leo  :.  [ sdl.web AT gmail.com ]  .: I use Emacs :.

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