Thierry Volpiatto <> writes:

> Richard Riley <> writes:
>> Thierry Volpiatto <> writes:
>>> Richard Riley <> writes:
>>>> Thierry Volpiatto <> writes:
>>>>> Richard Riley <> writes:
>>>>>> Yuri D'Elia <> writes:
>>>>>>> On Sun, 26 Dec 2010 00:19:42 +0100, Richard Riley wrote:
>>>>>>>>> As soon as you use splitting or virtual groups, an external process
>>>>>>>>> becomes useless (for instance, I have several rules that split 
>>>>>>>>> messages
>>>>>>>>> into groups that I ignore).
>>>>>>>> Not if you dont use the demon and then split when you hit g. In other
>>>>>>>> words you only fetch your mail when gnubiff or something similar tells
>>>>>>>> you that you have new mail.
>>>>>>> Concrete example: if splitting includes spam rules, gnubiff will notify
>>>>>>> you of spam too.
>>>>>> Yes that is most certainly true. Since I use googlemail I'm kind of
>>>>>> spoiled as their spam filtering server side is pretty good these days
>>>>>> (that and my spam-split set up doesnt work anymore on NoGnus) and so I
>>>>>> turned off client side "spam-split"ting.
>>>>> If you use gmail, you can have easy mail notification with:
>>>>> It give you an xml buffer you have to parse.
>>>>> A library exists on emacswiki for this, don't remember the name, it
>>>>> didn't work for me so i wrote small code for this for my personal use, i
>>>>> can send it if interested.
>>>>> Of course if one use gnus-demon, it's non--sense to use this.
>>>> Just as an FYI to the OP if new to Gnus, I have found the best set up
>>>> for me with Gnus is dovecot locally fed by offlineimap which is run as a
>>>> cron job every half hour or so.
>>> I use here offlineimap.el that is started each time i start gnus.
>>> I think that coupled with a gmail notification is better than a
>>> cronjob.
>> I dont think it is since the benefit of my way is I dont need gnus
>> running to see email notifications.
> Me too ;-) See above
> Gnus is stopped.
> 1) I call async every five
> minutes.
> 2) When i am notified of a new email, i run Gnus who run offlineimap.

Typo : sacrilege I know, but I mean emacs ;)

I might try your way just as an academic exercise at one stage.

You still need to manually run offlineimap in emacs though whereas mine
just happens and I get informed as and when offlineimap has done its job
so I can see the mail instantly! I use Mail Notification 5.4 to then
preview whether to bother firing up gnus and fetching (instantly) from
my local dovecot. My offlineimap config handles multiple accounts too.

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