a...@koldfront.dk (Adam Sjøgren) writes:

> On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 18:46:44 +0100, Richard wrote:
>>>> So what format? Maildir?
>>> No, that would be nnmaildir.
>> nnmaildir is a format? I thought it was a back end that fed on Maildir?
>> Possibly silly wording issues only. I dont know at times.
> Yes, the backend that uses the Maildir format is nnmaildir; that was
> what I was trying to say.

So the format *was* Maildir. See how easy terminology cam confuse ;)
Maildir often confuses others news to Gnus because of the worry about
direct Maildir access to the Maildir folders compromising Dovecot which
stores in Maildir but offers an imap interface. But thats a side issue.

> [...]
>> What I didnt understand is it proclaiming that its the "Mail Spool".
> It is because you seem to only accept one use of the word "spool". Think
> of it as a news spool just with mail in it, instead of a mail spool as
> in /var/spool/mail/.

Yes, that might help --

> Sometimes it is more apparant than other times that Gnus originated as a
> newsreader :-)

Very true.

> [...]
>> But whats not helping me is something like this
>>   (setq gnus-select-method '(nnml "nnml"))
>>   (setq nndrafts-directory "~/Mail")
>>   (setq nnml-directory "~/Mail")
>> and then starting Gnus and finding TWO Mail dirs. one in ~ and the other
>> in .emacs.d.
> You must have configured something else to point to ~/.emacs.d/Mail.
> Perhaps your archive method?
> I think you are staring at one thing in your configuration and ignoring
> all the other stuff, which might actually the cause of what you are
> seeing :-)

What you see is there is my nnml config. I have nothing else. All the
rest is imap related. I have no default archive settings either.

Nothing else nnml in my init.el or my custom.el.

As I said, the mist has cleared a little. Yes the words to clarify it
are there but buried deep amongst complex gnus only terminology - and
I'm no Gnus nOOb ... I just sometimes feel like it..

Now to figure out where .emacs.d/Mail is coming from.

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