Sivaram Neelakantan <> writes:


>> I mean: after reading some articles, I exit the summary buffer, then
>> later on I enter the group again, and the read articles are gone. I
>> know that they are not deleted, and I've trying to find the option to
>> let me see all the messages in a group (regardless of whether they
>> had been read or not), but could not find it in the
>> documentation.
> Go to the Group listing and hit G P to go to Group Parameters and add
> the following
> ((display . 100))
> and then C-c C-c. This will show the last 100 articles and you can
> change it to any number you choose to.

Or if you want to see old messages only occationally, simply enter the
group with a numeric prefix arg indicating the number of old messages.
So instead of RET on a group you'd do C-u 100 RET to see the latest 100

Or if you are already in a summary buffer, you can use C-u 100 M-g to
reload it with the latest 100 messages.

However, generally there's seldomly a need to open summaries with N
latest messages.  I guess you do that for searching some specific mail.
But for this use-case, searching with nnir (which works out of the box
for IMAP and Gmane-nntp groups) is far superior.

,----[ (info "(gnus)nnir") ]
| This section describes how to use `nnir' to search for articles within
| gnus.


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