Alexander Baier <> writes:

> This can be done by configuring gnus-posting-styles
> on a global level or on a per group basis through the
> (info "(Gnus) Group Parameters").  For further info
> about posting styles see (info "(Gnus) Posting
> Styles").

Yes, for example to control the headers and signature
based on if it is news or mail (in my case, mail with
nnml), it looks like this:

(setq gnus-posting-styles
      (let ((sig "blaha blaha URL"))
           (Newsgroups "")
           (signature ,sig)
           (To "")
           (Mail-Copies-To "never")
           (signature ,sig) ))))
>> Is it also possible to get prompted for a From
>> address from a list of possible e-mail addresses
>> when posting to certain mail groups?

Are we talking the From *header* or do you want to
actually send a mail from another mail account,
possibly provided by another ISP?

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