On Sat, 22 Mar 2014 16:41:00 +0100
a...@koldfront.dk (Adam Sjøgren) wrote:

> Sharon Kimble <boudic...@talktalk.net> writes:
> > ; No primary server:
> > ;(setq gnus-select-method '(list 'nnspool (system-name)))
> > (setq gnus-select-method '(nnnmil ""))
>                              ^^^^^^
>                              This should be nnnil - not nnnmil.
> > ; Get email, and store in nnml:
> > (setq gnus-select-method '(nntp "news.gmane.org"))
> Here you are overwriting the other select method you set above - which
> is confusing :-)
> >      (add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods '(nntp
> > "news.gmane.org"))
> Adding the same server to gnus-secondary-select-methods as the one you
> just have set in gnus-select-method is probably a bad idea.
> > (add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml ""))
> >                  (nnml-directory "~/.emacs.d/gnus.d/mail/")
> >                     (nnml-active-file
> > "~/.emacs.d/gnus.d/mail/active") mail-sources '(file :path
> > "/var/mail/boudiccas"))
> mail-sources is a variable by itself, it should not be part of your
> gnus-secondary-select-methods definition.
> Also, I think you have got your parenthesis mixed up; nnml-directory
> and nnml-active-file is supposed to be right after the "".
>                                  o o o
> I would rewrite the configuration you posted like this:
>   (setq gnus-select-method '(nnnil ""))
>   (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml ""
>                                               (nnml-directory
> "~/.emacs.d/gnus.d/mail/") (nnml-active-file
> "~/.emacs.d/gnus.d/mail/active")) (nntp "news.gmane.org")))
> (I don't mind my mail ending up in ~/Mail/, so I don't set
> nnml-directory and nnml-active-file in my configuration, but that's
> just a matter of taste.)
> If your login boudiccas, then you don't need to set mail-sources. If
> it isn't, I would add:
>   (setq mail-sources '((file :path "/var/mail/boudiccas")))
> to the above.
> Hope this helps a little.
>   Best regards,
>     Adam
Thanks Adam, but its just not working, and I can't see why. Therefore
this is the guts of my '.gnus.el'
;;; package --- gnus.el setup
;;; Commentary - 2014-03-22

(setq smtpmail-smtp-server "smtp.talktalk.net") 
(setq send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it)
(setq message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it)
(require 'smtpmail)

(setq smtpmail-auth-credentials "~/.authinfo")

(setq mail-sources '((pop :server "mail.talktalk.net"

(setq user-mail-address "custard...@talktalk.net")
     (setq user-full-name "Sharon Kimble")

(setq gnus-home-directory    "~/.emacs.d/gnus.d/"
      gnus-init-file         "~/.emacs.d/.gnus.el")
;; No primary server:
;; (setq gnus-select-method '(list 'nnspool (system-name)))
(setq gnus-select-method '(nnnil ""))

(setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml ""
                                    (nnml-directory "~/.emacs.d/gnus.d/mail")

(setq mail-sources '((file :path "/var/mail/boudiccas")))

(provide '.gnus)
;;; .gnus.el ends here

And this is what is shown on the 'gnus desktop' 
 U     *: nnml:mail.misc
       6: nnfolder+archive:sent-mail
       1: nnfolder+archive:sent-news
      14: nnfolder+archive:sent.2014-03
      16: nndraft:drafts
 U     *: gmane.linux.debian.user
       *: gmane.emacs.gnus.general

And this is the pathway of the folders -

But none of the files or 'active' are touched with the time that I
started GNUs off, I don't know where its getting the information from,
as its not reading the folders in the pathway.

I think that its somehow reading the old setup, which isn't being
updated, and the '.gnus.el' above is the only one on the machine, so I'm

I'm sorry for presuming so much onto your time, but I am seriously
trying to use GNUs for all of my emails, but at the moment its just not
working, and I can't see why. 

A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk
my git repo = https://bitbucket.org/boudiccas/dots
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Registered Linux user 561944

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