Andrey Lisin <> writes:

> My problem was variable `gnus-thread-sort-functions'
> redefinition existed in my init scripts.

I'm glad you found it.

This is a common situation. It doesn't even have to be
other people's code that gets you confused. When you
have enough of your own, it is enough.

I have all my config in .el files in a dir (with
subdirs), so if I experience that - say -
`gnus-article-prepare-hook' behaves strange, I run:

    $ grep -n gnus-article-prepare-hook **/*.el

Then I see in what files - and where (the -n option) -
that hook is defined. ('**/*' is a zsh feature to
recursively do dirs and subdirs; there is probably
something similar in bash.)

There are other ways to do that but it works.
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