Denis Bitouzé <> writes:

> Meanwhile, I noticed that `R` gives the expected
> result (To: is the mailing address). But what is
> still annoying me is to be careful to the keybinding
> I have to use depending on whether I'm answering a
> mail or a usenet article.

Yes, I agree that isn't good. In terms of programming,
it is super-easy to fix as well. It is more an issue
of knowing the domains (mails, listbots, news, and
Gnus), which might not be that easy... like, at all!

> Unfortunately, elisp is not my mother tongue.
> Suppose I'd like to use `R` as unique keybinding
> both in `debian.user` group (mailing list) and in
> `nntp+gmane:gmane.emacs.gnus.user` group (usenet
> forum), what would be the corresponding code?

Again, Elisp doesn't have to be your mother tongue for
this. However, if you are a perfectionist (as I am, so
I'm not criticizing) perhaps you should make it your
mother tongue...

But try this:

(require 'gnus-msg)

(defun gnus-article-reply-dwim ()
  (if (gnus-article-header-value "X-Mailing-List")
      (gnus-summary-reply-to-list-with-original 1)
    (gnus-article-followup-with-original) ))

(defun gnus-article-header-value (header)
  "Get the value of HEADER for the current article."
  (with-current-buffer gnus-original-article-buffer
    (gnus-fetch-field header) ))

I just wrote and tried it, and it worked for
debian.user (mailing list), alt.test (newsgroup), and
a couple of inbox love letters (ordinary mail). It
will work for ordinary mails and newsgroups, because
that is the plain old
`gnus-article-followup-with-original'. However I'm not
sure if all mailing lists respect the X-Mailing-List
header...? (Could be a place to add more such tests
and OR them.)

Also, I don't know what the 1 argument to
`gnus-summary-reply-to-list-with-original' means
because that isn't in the documentation, and I didn't
feel like tracing it. It probably (?) has to do with
doing things to several messages. I don't know if that
should be 0 or 1 in this case.

Last, `gnus-summary-reply-to-list-with-original' is in
gnus-msg, and not gnus-sum. Just mentioning it as it
looks a bit confusing :)

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