incal <> writes:

>> Well, in any programming mode, `<M-tab>' runs
>> `completion-at-point' or `complete-symbol' which
>> are the main completion functions in emacs.
>> (Actually, that's bound to `C-M-i' but that
>> translates to `<M-tab>' which is much easier to
>> type.)
> To me <C-M-i> isn't more difficult to type (in a
> way, it is easier/better as the left index finger
> can remain at <f>), and it doesn't translate to
> <M-tab>, which by the way I had to configure. But
> now I got suspicious: I'll remove the configuration
> and see if it still works...

Without the configuration, <M-tab> translates to
<C-M-i> in the Linux VTs.

Those keys are both very good, so why have them do the
same thing? It is a waste.

For example, I use <C-M-i> to scroll a "pane" (and
<M-i> to scroll a line), and <M-tab> to switch between

Here is how to get both keys, again in a Linux VT:

In /etc/console-setup/

    alt keycode 15       = U+1003 # M-TAB

Then execute this function:

    lkeys () {
        sudo loadkeys --clearcompose --clearstrings \
        /etc/console-setup/ > /dev/null

Last, in an Emacs init file:

    (define-key input-decode-map [?\u1003] [M-tab])

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