I'm running Gnus v5.13 on GNU Emacs 23.1.1.

I'm using the Spam package (with the Spam Statistics package) to filter
out spam from my email.  The (hopefully) relevant part of my .gnus.el file

 ;; Declare backends/processors for splitting incoming mail:
 spam-use-regex-headers t
 spam-regex-headers-spam '("^X-UiO-Spam-Score: sssss.*") ;spamAssasin score >= 5
 spam-use-stat t

 ;; Declare spam and ham groups:
 '(("spam" gnus-group-spam-classification-spam)
   (".*" gnus-group-spam-classification-ham))

 ;; Training the spam detection tools:
 spam-process-ham-in-spam-groups t
 gnus-spam-process-newsgroups '((".*" ((spam spam-use-stat)
                                       (ham spam-use-stat))))

 ;; Moving processed spam:
 gnus-spam-process-destinations '((".*" "nnimap:spam"))
 ;; Moving processed ham:
 spam-mark-ham-unread-before-move-from-spam-group t
 gnus-ham-process-destinations '(("spam" "nnimap:INBOX"))

 nnimap-split-inbox "INBOX"
 nnimap-split-download-body t           ; For spam-stat
 nnimap-split-rule 'nnmail-split-fancy
   (: spam-split)

In section 8.20.4 "Spam and Ham Processors" of the Gnus manual, it says:
"When you leave a _spam_ group, all spam-marked articles are marked as
expired after processing with the spam processor."  This does not appear
to happen for me.

I guess there is something I've misunderstood, or done wrong.  Can
anyone see what I've done wrong?

Here is a log from the *Messages* buffer when entering the nnimap:spam

Retrieving newsgroup: nnimap:spam...
nnimap: Updating info for nnimap:spam...done
Fetching headers for nnimap:spam...
nnimap: Retrieving headers...done
Fetching headers for nnimap:spam...done
Generating summary...done
Marking unseen articles as spam
No more unread articles

So it appears the group is considered spam. ("Marking unseen articles as spam")

When exiting the group nnimap:spam:

Exiting summary buffer and applying spam rules
Registering 1 specific articles as spam using backend spam-use-stat
1 spam messages were registered by backend spam-use-stat.
Registering 1 specific articles as spam using backend spam-use-move
Moving to nnimap:spam: (121)...
nnimap: Setting marks in spam...done
nnimap: Updating info for nnimap:spam...done
No more newsgroups
1 spam messages were registered by backend spam-use-move.
Expiring articles...done
nnimap: Setting marks in spam...done
nnimap: Setting marks in spam...done
No more unread newsgroups

Looking into the Maildir of the IMAP server (dovecot), the mail file has
gotten the "Seen" flag, but not the "Expirable" flag.

When entering nnimap:spam again:

Retrieving newsgroup: nnimap:spam...
nnimap: Updating info for nnimap:spam...done
Fetching headers for nnimap:spam...
nnimap: Retrieving headers...done
Fetching headers for nnimap:spam...done
Generating summary...done
Marking unseen articles as spam
No more unread articles
Mark set

And the message is still marked with $.  If I manually mark it
expirable, it stays so.

Exiting nnimap:spam again:

No more articles [2 times]
Exiting summary buffer and applying spam rules
Expiring articles...done
nnimap: Setting marks in spam...done
No more unread newsgroups

Bjørn-Helge Mevik
info-gnus-english mailing list

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