Benjamin Slade <> writes:

> Eric Abrahamsen <> writes:
>>> Any ideas where something could be going wrong?
>> I think it's probably edebug time. Try instrumenting the
>> my-expire-gmail-imap-message function, and maybe, for good measure,
>> gnus-group-expire-articles-1 as well. Expire some articles, and step
>> through the functions, and just see what's going on. My guess is it will
>> become clear pretty quickly what's going wrong. I hope!
> After many hours of wrestling with this, it turns out to have nothing to
> do with Gnus. It's a quirk about Gmail's mail arrangement, and the way
> that mbsync works.  It seems I had a similar problem a few years ago
> when I used mbsync for mu4e for a little while (though I have no memory
> of this), and so my Google searches ultimately led me back to my own old
> question (and, fortunately, solution):
> :---
>      The trick is to make a separate mbsync channel and sync the
>      Trash/Bin first.
> Though, ultimately (actually in the course of trying to find a solution)
> I ended up switching to using fancy-expire (keyed to email addresses)
> instead, as the other method doesn't work for virtual groups.

Oof. That doesn't sound like much fun, but I'm glad you got it sorted. I
have to say, imap got a lot easier to work with when I switched away
from Gmail...

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