Eric Abrahamsen <> writes:

> It's kept in the variable `gnus-topic-alist', which
> is saved to the file pointed to by
> `gnus-startup-file', which on this machine points to
> ~/.emacs.d/.newsrc. That's where gnus stores most of
> its state, including subscribed groups and
> message marks.
> I wouldn't recommend copying this file between
> machines -- I tried that before, and it didn't work
> out well.

How so?

If Gnus stores its state there and the state is
identical the result should be identical. If it isn't,
something is wrong.

I'll try it right now and tell you how it went...

> There is a possibility that in the future, Gnus'
> various state objects will be separated out a little
> more cleanly. It would be nice to at least have
> a separation between "settings than can be synced or
> kept in version control" (which would include group
> subscriptions and topic arrangements), and "settings
> that only Gnus should mess with", which I guess
> would mostly be marks.

Yeah, but isn't that separation exactly what is with
.gnus and .newsrc[.eld]?

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