Gijs Hillenius <> writes:

> On  5 Jan 2016, Gijs Hillenius wrote:
>> Doing some Gnus imap folders housekeeping this morning, I found that
>> 8000 messages (called 131940.  131941. etcetera) /hiding/ in the
>> imap's INBOX. It looks like these are all emails that I've 'deleted'
>> in Gnus, so they don't show. But for some reason they're not actually
>> deleted.
>> Is this a setting I messed up? I recall there used to be such a
>> feature, but I don't remember what that was called. I've been
>> searching the manual for this, so far without the result I hoped to
>> find.
>> I would appreciate a few hints.
> encouraged by the two replies...
> I just sent myself two emails (from a throw-away gmail account), and
> notice that these messages end up on the system twice.
> My nnimap-split-fancy places them in the correct nnimap mail group, but
> a "copy" (or perhaps the original) stays in the INBOX, hidden.
> Does that ring a bell, with anyone?

Is it a Gmail address?

Not that that immediately solves the problem, but it would be useful
information. Also, what's your Gnus version?

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