On Ned, 2016-01-03 at 20:04 +0200, Teemu Likonen wrote:

I'd like to migrate back to Gnus (from Evolution) and need some help
with Gnus-Bogofilter setup...

> Gnus's spam system can be configured to use Bogofilter but I agree
> that as a whole it's quite complicated. I used it many years - and it
> worked nicely - but eventually wrote a simpler Bogofilter-based system
> that is enough for my own needs:

By looking at my old gnus-bogofilter.el snippet I see that you were the
one which modified the code...

> Fancy splitting (nnmail-split-fancy) is required because it's the way
> to hook custom code to incoming mail delivery.

...but it didn't required nnmail-split-fancy which I (still) do not

So, I'be very thankful if you can provide some help how to either use
Gnus' spam package or your gnus-bogofilter package?

Btw, let me say that I'm playing with Spacemacs, so it would be nice to
have spam handling included in Gnus layer in the future...


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