Peter Münster <> writes:

> (add-to-list 'mm-content-transfer-encoding-defaults
> '("text/plain" 8bit))
> would probably solve your problem.

I tried to alter
`mm-content-transfer-encoding-defaults' with a head

    (".*" base64)

(for `8bit' and `qp-or-base64' as well)

but the headers are always the same:

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

and file(1) also says the same of the archived files:

    message/rfc822; charset=us-ascii

and the translated chars remain:

    =C3=A5 =C3=A4 =C3=B6 =C3=85 =C3=84 =C3=9

Are you sure
`mm-content-transfer-encoding-defaults' applies?

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