Emanuel Evans <mail@emanuel.industries> writes:

> Hi! I'm trying to use fancy splitting with nnimap like so:
> (nnimap-split-fancy
>  (| (to "\\([-_[:alnum:]]+\\)@noreply\\.github\\.com" "github.\\1")
>     ;; etc.
>     ))
> The problem: it seems to not match the whole "To" field, so (for
> instance) "database_clea...@noreply.github.com" gets filed into the
> "github.cleaner" group instead of "github.database_cleaner". Weirdly, I
> can workaround by having a more explicit regexp such as
> "\\(\\w+[-_]\\w+\\)@noreply\\.github\\.com", but I don't want to do that
> for every combination of groups and punctuation. (This doesn't seem to
> be a problem with non-fancy splitting.) Is there any way to make sure
> that fancy splitting matches the whole field "greedily"?

If I remember correctly, the fancy splitting is word-based, sort of --
it wraps the things in \b or something...

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