"Andrzej A. Filip" <andrzej.fi...@gmail.com> writes:

> My opinion is quite different but I sure you are the
> expert in judging what is the best for YOU :-) .
> I am sure flyspell is a thing worth to _try_ . I am
> quite sure it will not be the best choice _for
> everyone_ .
> After a few months+ of flyspelling I get bad
> spelling marks hardly ever.

Indeed, that would make flyspelling much better.

I'm on Debian where I use the "american-insane"
dictionary, but it isn't insane enough by far.

Either you have a better dictionary, or you write in
a style that has less words that are even beyond the
realms of insanity... (Ha ha, I always said Emacs and
acid are quite close :))

PS. In this message: "flyspelling" marked! DS.

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