yesterday I upgraded my system from debian wheezy to jessie.
I'm having some difficulties getting gnus to work as before.

Here is what I had configured before the upgrade:

    (quote (
           (nnimap "localhost" (nnimap-stream ssl))
           (nnimap "pf-tippete" (nnimap-address my\.imapserver\.it)
                                (nnimap-stream ssl)
                                (nnimap-expunge-on-close always)))))

So, first problem, I couldn't access localhost anymore. A bit of
fiddling led me to:

        ((nnimap "localhost"
                         (nnimap-stream network))

which I suppose means there's something wrong with the dovecot ssl
setup. I don't really care about that since it's all on the same
machine, but what also changed is that for some reason gnus now thinks
that everything in ~/Mail is an imap folder, while that was not the
This means that is attepmting to read as imap folders also stuff that
was there because a separate mail client caches my work mail in the same
directory. I solved this by editing gnus-ignored-newsgroups and adding
the top folder to the regex. I still get weird stuff in the tree though,
including all the imap indexes and even directories with ~ at the end of
the name, and I'm not sure if this is a gnus problem or something that
has changed in dovecot.

The second problem is that I can't access the remote server anymore, I
get this error:

Opening connection to my.imapserver.it via tls...
Unable to open server nnimap+pf-tippete due to: Wrong type argument: stringp, 
Opening nnimap server on pf-tippete...failed: 
No new newsgroups

I tried using the ip address and it didn't like it either.

Nothing has changed on the remote server, so this is a local problem.

Both the localhost and the remote server seem to work properly when I
use claws-mail to access them.

What else can I try?



Pierfrancesco Caci, ik5pvx
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