Gijs Hillenius <> writes:

> Using Debian Emacs 25.1, when starting Gnus, nnmimap-split-fancy is read
> from .gnus along with other settings, but then, somehow, immediately
> forgotten.
> When Gnus is done finding new mail and news, I do r g (read Gnus and
> check for new messages). Only then the split rules defined in
> nnmimap-split-fancy are applied to the INBOX. Instead of say, 12 new
> messages, there will be 2, the rest is split across the intended
> folders.
> When I just began using Emacs 25.1, I found Emacs bug 20610, which
> describes the same. Except there
> ( the fix that is reported, is
> what I already use (or at least I think so).
> The suggested fix:
> ,----
> | Putting *both* `nnimap-inbox' and `nnimap-split-methods' in the
> | definition of the IMAP select method is *necessary* for fancy splitting
> | to work under Emacs 25.
> `----
> my server configuration in the server buffer:
> ,----
> | (nnimap "thuis"
> |     (nnimap-address "server")
> |     (nnimap-inbox "INBOX")
> |     (nnimap-split-methods nnimap-split-fancy)
> |     (nnimap-unsplittable-articles
> |      '(%Deleted %Seen))
> |     (nnir-search-engine imap)
> |     (nnimap-stream tls))
> `----
> The only difference:
> I use:
> (nnimap-split-methods nnimap-split-fancy)
> whereas the fix prescribes:
> (nnimap-split-methods nnmail-split-fancy)))
> My "version" works in Emacs 24. I tried the alternative, but that
> recreated my entire mail folder hierarchy as news folders, instead of as
> mail folders. That was scary.
> Any body here have an idea how to debug this?

With a bit of help from Lars, this is now resolved. I now realise the
fix is the same as that given in bug 20610. (sigh)

in the server buffer I changed one line into this:

(nnimap-split-methods nnmail-split-fancy)

and, in .gnus.el I renamed nnimap-split-fancy to nnmail-split-fancy:

;;(setq nnimap-split-fancy
(setq nnmail-split-fancy

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