
sometimes when I fetch new mail with ‘g’, Gnus hangs after the message:
«Reading active file via nnml...done» and I have to keyboard-quit from
it.  When I hit ‘g’ again it works and I don't seem to lose mail.  The
output from an example session is like this:

| Checking new news...
| Reading active file via nnml...
| Reading incoming mail from file...
| Reading incoming mail from pop... [2 times]
| nnml: Reading incoming mail (no new mail)...done
| Reading active file via nnml...done ;; This is where it hangs
| Quit

And this is when it's successful:

| Checking new news...
| Reading active file via nnml...
| Reading incoming mail from file...
| Reading incoming mail from pop... [2 times]
| nnml: Reading incoming mail (no new mail)...done
| Reading active file via nnml...done
| Reading active file from archive via nnfolder...done
| Reading active file via nndraft...done
| Checking new news...done

The related configuration looks like:

| (setf
|  mail-sources
|  `((pop ...)
|    (pop ...)
|    ,(let ((f (expand-file-name (user-login-name) "/var/mail")))
|        (list 'file :path f))))

| (setf
|  gnus-select-method '(nnml "")
|  gnus-secondary-select-methods
|  '((nntp "gmane"
|          (nntp-address "news.gmane.org"))
|    ;; (nntp "eternal-september"
|    ;;       (nntp-address "news.eternal-september.org"))
|    )
|  gnus-buttonized-mime-types
|  '("multipart/signed" "multipart/alternative" "text/html" "text/x-diff"
|    "text/x-patch" "text/vcard" "text/x-org"))

I'm on Emacs master, commit 7bb75e3d8194c2349bfa4479fd72e10f31bea0a5.

This is the debugger when I quit when it hangs:

| Debugger entered--Lisp error: (quit)
|   signal(quit nil)
|   nntp-with-open-group-function(nil "gmane" nil #f(compiled-function () 
|     -group = nil
|     -server = "gmane"
|     -connectionless = nil
|     -bodyfun = <some bytecoede>
|     nntp-with-open-group-internal = nil
|     nntp--report-1 = t
|     nntp-report-n = nil
|     -timer = nil
|   nntp-finish-retrieve-group-infos("gmane" <...> 13)
|   gnus-finish-retrieve-group-infos((nntp "gmane" (nntp-address 
"news.gmane.org")) <...> 13)
|   gnus-read-active-for-groups((nntp "gmane" (nntp-address "news.gmane.org")) 
<...> 13)
|   gnus-get-unread-articles(nil nil nil)
|   gnus-group-get-new-news(nil)
|   funcall-interactively(gnus-group-get-new-news nil)
|   call-interactively(gnus-group-get-new-news nil nil)
|   command-execute(gnus-group-get-new-news)

I've truncated what seems to be the ‘infos’ argument to these procedures
defined by ‘deffoo’, as they seemed to be superfluous and were very big
piles of conses.  I don't really know the internals of Gnus and how I'd
debug this without possibly harming my mail is unclear to me, so any
help is appreciated.  IDK if this is misconfiguration on my part or a
bug, so I'm asking this here first.  Thanks in advance,


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