"Loris Bennett" <loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de> writes:

> Bob Newell <bobnew...@bobnewell.net> writes:
>> Like this:
>> (setq group-name-map
>>    '(("nnimap+imap.gmail.com:INBOX" . "Inbox")
>>     ("nnimap+imap.gmail.com:[Gmail]/All Mail" . "All Mail")
>>  etc.
>>  ))
> This had no effect for me.  However, here
>   https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/GnusFormatting
> it implies that you have to define
>   gnus-user-format-function-g
> and then use 'ug%' rather than '%g' in 'gnus-group-line-format'.

Fiddling around with this I managed to totally bork the display in the
Groups buffer, such that basically nothing was shown and the following
error was produced:

  progn: Wrong type argument: char-or-string-p

Just reverting the changes in init.el was not enough and I had to roll
back to the versions of .newsrc and .newsrc.eld from this morning
(Thanks, Git!).



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