Eric Abrahamsen <> writes:

> Richmond <> writes:
>> Due to my computer dying I lost some changes. One of which was to stop
>> subscribing to new groups. But even though I reapplied this change, I
>> was unable to launch gnus because of this error. I cannot find any
>> reference in the lisp to this function gnus-kill-newsgroup but something
>> is calling it and then failing. I got gnus working in the end by
>> removing the mozilla server from .gnus.
>> There was a reference in to this function in .gnu-emacs but I renamed
>> this file to dotgnu-emacs but still the error occured. Can functions get
>> copied around?
> `gnus-kill-newsgroup' was removed from Gnus (or at least this Gnus
> change was merged into Emacs master) in 2012, so it's been a while.

Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.3 (gnu/linux)

> What version of Emacs are you using? You're not still loading an
> external Gnus installation, are you?

No. I had to re-install linux etc. So starting from scratch.

> You talk about changes, and "reapplying changes", what does that mean?

Some time ago, maybe a couple of months, I asked in this group why gnus
was subscribing to groups and as a result of that I made changes to
.gnus and got rid of .gnu-emacs-custom
> What seems most likely is that you've got some custom functions in
> your.gnus.el or elsewhere that are still calling `gnus-kill-newsgroup'.

The problem is I cannot find any reference to it.

I do this:

find . -type f -print|xargs grep -i gnus-kill-newsgroup

All it finds is this:

./dotgnu-emacs:    (gnus-kill-newsgroup newsgroup)))

find /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/ -type f -print|xargs grep -i 
find /usr/share/emacs/25.3 -type f -print|xargs grep -i gnus-kill-newsgroup

These find nothing.

If I look for gnus-kill it finds matches in the elc, so this
demonstrates that the command works, i.e. although it will not find
anything in the gzipped source, it will find in the elc.

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